Annual Meeting and Dinner


The Harvard Club in Maine warmly invites you and your family & friends to join fellow alumni at our 2018 Annual Meeting and Dinner for good conversation, fine food, and an interesting presentation by Harry Lewis AB ’68, AM ’73, PhD ’74, Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science, on Reinventing the Classroom, while Rethinking Education.  Professor Lewis is also former Dean of Harvard College, inventor of the now infamous CS50, and teacher to the likes of Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg. Do join us for this event – you will not be disappointed!  (We apologize for the last-minute switch from Michael Brenner, who has a family emergency and is not able to join us, but we know that Professor Lewis will be a great addition!)


"Some years ago, students stopped coming to my lectures, which were being video-recorded for broader distribution. Rather than restricting access, I changed my classroom style to make it worthwhile for students to show up. I’ll describe this and another Harvard experiment in Internet-mediated pedagogy. Since the Internet is a better vehicle than the lecture hall for simply transmitting information, it can free us to focus on deeper educational objectives—if we know what those are."


Venue:    Inn by the Sea

 40 Bowery Beach Road, Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107.  (207) 799-3134


Date:      Saturday, June 9, 2018


Time:   6:00 PM   Hors-d'oeuvres and cocktails (cash bar)

7:00 PM   Dinner

Brief annual meeting of The Harvard Club in Maine

Presentation by Harry Lewis , Gordon McKay Professor of Computer Science

Title:   Reinventing the Classroom, while Rethinking Education


Dinner:   Buffet with a southern BBQ flair, including ribs, pulled pork, shrimp and chicken gumbo, fried chicken, salads and red velvet cake


Cost:     $70  per person for HCM members & guest*, and current students

$80  per person for non-members

Annual membership to HCM is $25.  If you paid dues in the last year, you are a current member.  If not, please pay dues first to get the discounted price.   Join us

* Members can buy two tickets at the discounted price.  Additional guests pay the non-member price.


RSVP:   Please let us know no later than June 2, 2018  by filling this   RSVP Form  and then pay by:

Credit card (preferred):  Buy Tickets   or

Check: mail to:   Harvard Club in Maine, P.O. Box 3472, Portland, Maine 04104


Donations:  Please consider making a donation to the Club, as we try to keep the price of our events as reasonable as possible – often barely at or below cost – so that we can encourage as many local alumni as we can to participate in our activities.  If you would like to sponsor a student ticket, so that current and newly admitted students can attend, it will be much appreciated!

At the bottom of the Secure Checkout (payment) page, please use the Make a gift (Donations) option.  Or please add it to your check.


Questions:   For questions about the event, please email or call Christine Twining at (207) 751-7984.

For questions about membership, online payments, or our club website please email Rajiv Shankar .


We hope to see you there!

Board of Directors


6:00PM Sat 9 Jun 2018, Eastern timezone


Inn by the Sea
40 Bowery Beach Road
Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107

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